Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Macaw Week!

Macaw week is over, I hope you enjoyed the facts!

Did you Know?

The smallest macaw of all, Hahn's Macaw, is just 12-14 inches long.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spix Macaw

The Spix Macaw, also known as the Little Blue Macaw, is very endangered and probably extinct wild. The spix macaw is named after German naturalist Johann Baptist von Spix, who collected the first specimen in April 1819. The world population of the spix macaw is about 120 with most, if not all in captivity.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Did you Know?

The life span of a macaw is about 50 to 60 years.


The macaw populations are declining due to the fact that the macaw's natural habitat (the rainforest) is being destroyed by deforestation, which is happening all over Central and South America. Tropical rainforests, such as those in the Amazon, play a important role in the water cycle by providing rain to the region.
Pictures of Rainforest

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth Macaw has a very strong beak for eating hard nuts and seeds. Their strong beaks are able to crack coconuts, the large Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts. It's the largest flying parrot species. While generally easily recognized, it can be confused with the far rarer and smaller Lear's Macaw.
Hyacinth Macaw

Fun Fact

The macaw is one of the largest species of parrot in the world, the average adult macaw growing to more than a meter in height. The macaw is well known for it's brightly colored feathers. The biggest macaw in the world is the Hyacinth Macaw. 

Fun Fact

There are 17 different species of macaw found in the rainforests of South America. Many of the different kinds of macaw are today considered to be endangered animals.

Macaw Week!

All week I will post facts about Macaws, which are in the Parrot family.