Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cat Week!

Cat Week is over. I hope all who have read these Cat facts have enjoyed them!!
aigla: Asleep brothers by fofurasfelinas on...

Green Kitten?

A kitten with green fur was discovered in Denmark in 1995. Originally thought to be a genetic mutation, scientists later determined it was due to high copper levels in the water supply.
Most kittens are born with blue eyes, then the color changes with age.
Kittens yawn about 200 million time per hour!

Kitty Greeting!

Q- Why does my cat hold it's tale vertically with the tip curled?
A- It's a way they greet people.

Cat Question!

Q- Why does my cat hold it's tale vertically with the tip curled?
A- It's a way they greet people.
Despite the cats amazing night-vision, a cats eyesight during the day is actually not too different from a humans! Due to this, cats are more nocturnal.